Project Statement
Chinese New Year Festival & Parade/ San Francisco
Chinese New Year Festival & Parade (chineseparade.com)
Named one of the top ten Parades in the world by International Festivals & Events Association, the Southwest Airlines Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco is one of the few remaining night illuminated Parades in North America and the biggest parade celebrating the lunar new year outside of Asia. Started in the 1860’s by the Chinese in San Francisco as a means to educate the community about their culture, the Parade and Festival have grown to be the largest celebration of Asian culture outside of Asia. Since 1958, the parade has been under the direction of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
Target Audience
Asian and Local people around 25 to 50-year-old who lived in California.
The purpose of the project is to provide the basic knowledge to people who are interested in Chinese Zodiac. To be more specific, this project will included five different Chinese elements, fortune in 2019, love compatibility with other Chinese Zodiac and Lucky/Unlucky things for people who born in a year of the pig.
Over all, this project can not only let people understand more about the background of Chinese Zodiac signs, but can also introduce Chinese cultures to Americans and other people who are interested in.
Use infographic to Introduce the Zodiac animal in 2019 which is pig, and use “Pig” to advertising this infographic poster or advertisement in this parade. My project will be introduce the knowledge and the background of pig in Chinese astrology.
Chinese Zodiac. History. The Chinese zodiac consists of twelve animals that first appeared in the Zhan Guo period [5th century B.C.]. No one knows the exact date as of when the zodiac was essentially created, but they were officially identified during the Han Dynasty [206 B.C.–9 A.D.], which was over 2000 years ago.
Mood Board

Inspiration/ Eastern

Inspiration/ Western


Style Guide

Digital Process

Final Design/ Detail

Final Design Mockup